what am I doing in this basket?

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

And now a month has passed

When I was younger, I HATED that old people (OK, so they weren't THAT old, but relatively speaking) would always say "you'll see, time goes much faster when you're older"- especially when I would complain that I couldn't wait until "X" ("4th grade was over" "I can wear a bra" "I turn 16 and get my license" "I get out of Cleveland" etc.) But here I am, and I haven't ever seen time fly as quickly as it has this past month. The Princess started school, and loves it. She also comes home covered in something (paint, snack, sand, etc.) every day- a sure sign that all is well. And the Doctor (Dr. Drey) is now VERY chatty, rolling over (and complaining about not being able to get back) and already wears 6-12 mo clothes- no more itty bitty infant onesies.

And so it flies. Is this really just a function of age? Is it to be embraced or should I fight against the tendency to just let time go at whatever pace it needs? Can I really fight it anyhow? I suspect to fight against it would mean to strive to live more deliberately, something I continue to work on anyhow. Whether that will impact my perception of the passage of time remains to be seen.


  • This whole Time thing is indeed frightful. Recent calculations tell us we have only ten good years left with our daughter before her friends become the center of her universe. We can then tack on an additional two to three years of entrapment - where she'll be (fortunately) dependent on us and other parents to drive her and her crew to and fro the movies, the mall, etc. But after that... ugh.

    I do hope she'll invest her time in achievements other than biggest bong hit, fastest beer funnel, most risky climb out the window, etc., etc. So I hear ya, sista. The cliches are true. Gotta hold onto this time with both hands.

    By Blogger Shannon Brazil, at October 1, 2004 at 9:26 AM  

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